Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Oregon Trail Museum --- in Oregon!

Hello Fellow Wayward Travelers!!!

I have been looking forward to going to my first Oregon Trail Museum since I started my journey and I finally got to go today!!!

I was so impressed and thirsty for knowledge that I ended up staying at this museum from about 10:00 AM until about 2:00 PM!!?? And now, I feel my journey can continue east as I back track these pioneers on a journey that was fraught with danger, death, and hardship in anticipation of a new life, in a new part of the country.

Today, I packed up my trailer and drove to the museum (I expected to be there a few hours and then head east). It is located on a hill overlooking a portion of the Oregon Trail. Here is a photo ---

Inside, the self guided tour starts with a full size replica of wagons on a trail ---

It shows the people walking (few rode for any length of time) ---

It shows the wagon master ---

It shows the danger of wildlife ---

It shows the Native Americans and their wonder of why these people are taking this journey ---

And it shows the anguish of a Mother at the grave of her child, who died in an accident ---

From here, the exhibits got into descriptions of various parts of the journey, such as the different wagons and teams available, lists of what should be taken on this journey, the route to take, joining a wagon train, and choosing a leader.

The manner of splitting the chores or tasks fell on everyone ---

Along the route, the pioneers would run out of supplies. What is interesting is that the Native Americans were the ones who stepped up to the plate and helped. They would trade different types of food for small items like a used shirt, fish hooks, or such ---

When some of the "professional" white traders came upon the scene, the prices became obscene!!!

The museum then went on to show how the areas grew as people settled in the Oregon Territories.

After going through the museum, there were some displays outside, so I went to look. One was a reproduction of some circled wagons that the kids could climb on ---

Another was a walk to the old Oregon Trail wagon ruts. I wanted to see this, so off I went!!! Here is what I saw ---

Now, you may have as much trouble seeing the ruts as I did, but remember, its been over 100 years since the last wagon train!!!

I did find a sign identifying wagon ruts from car/truck ruts ---

Now that you have this new information, what are these???

Ya, I can't tell either - but the sign says wagon ruts!!!???

Well with that, I called it a day and went to find an RV Park. And, son of a gun, I ended up where I stayed last night. I didn't go far, but I did enjoy myself!!!

Well, I need to plan tomorrow’s travels (probably, a lot of driving?), so I will go for now, but I will see you all again tomorrow. Again, to quote that great comedian, Red Skelton, "Good Night and May God Bless!"

Happy Trails ---- Jon

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