Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hello Fellow Wayward Travelers!!!

When I started this trip, I knew that I would be near some very interesting and unusual places in the United States. These places would have nothing to do with The Oregon Trail, but they would have their own interest and uniqueness that I would want to see them, maybe????

 Well, I came across one of those areas!!! South Dakota has an area where Mt. Rushmore is found and I have not been to that area since I was driving a sports car from Virginia to Washington.  Well guess where I am tonight??? That’s right!!! I am in the area of Mt. Rushmore!!!

 The Oregon Trail is only a couple of hundred miles from Mt. Rushmore, so it only took me a little over four hours to drive here (I had a side wind that keep pushing my trailer toward the side of the road so I had to keep the speed to about 50 MPH when everyone else was doing 65 MPH!!!). But, here I am with the trailer parked in the woods ---

And me getting ready to take the truck and go exploring!!!

Well, the first place I went is to the Crazy Horse Memorial (because I thought it was the closest). The story behind why this memorial was started is fascinating!!! The Indian Chiefs from Crazy Horse’s Tribe (in the late 1930s) asked this artist (Korczak Ziolkowski) to design and build a monument/memorial to Crazy Horse and to all Native Americans. He started this project with private donations only and has never accepted government help. That’s the way the Chiefs wanted it!!! Anyway, here are some photos of the model and the amount finished so far. Eventually, it will look similar to the model!!!

Same as the previous photo??? Look in the back ground!!!
 This is the artist drawing super-imposed on the mountain---

 This is just cool because of a cloud's shadow - I think!!!
Then I found out that Mt. Rushmore stayed open until about 10:00 PM!!! So, off I went to find Mt. Rushmore!!! And I did find Mt. Rushmore --- but it wasn’t how I remembered it!!! Oh, the mountain was the same, but the museum and surrounding area was different!! I guess that will happen after 40 years!!! Well, it was great!!! First you walk down a walkway of flags with the four presidents in the background. The flags represent each of the states of The United States and the columns tell when each state became part of The United States. Here are some photos ---


Then I found out something very interesting --- why these four presidents were chosen for their place on this monument. I took a photo of what the artist said were his reasons for choosing these presidents. I hope you can read this plaque ---


And, of course, a photo of Mt. Rushmore itself ---


It looks as good as it did in 1972when I was here last!!! But, this time, I got more of the story behind it!!!

With that, I went back to my trailer to get ready for tomorrow!!?? What will tomorrow bring us??? Something wonderful, I would guess!!!

Well, I am getting tired, so, with that, I will go for now, but I will see you all again tomorrow. Again, to quote that great comedian, Red Skelton, "Good Night and May God Bless!"

Happy Trails ---- Jon


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